
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday April 13 at 11:59 pm.

Sports, Recreation and Fitness

Family Recreation

Nominate Nominated! Allsports Simulated
Nominate Nominated! Andrea France - Mama Bear Wellness
Nominate Nominated! Barefoot Bushcraft
Nominate Nominated! BreakOUT Escapes Niagara
Nominate Nominated! CWF Wrestling
Nominate Nominated! Game Stop Welland
Nominate Nominated! McBain Community Center
Nominate Nominated! Merrittville Speedway
Nominate Nominated! Niagara Quartermaster
Nominate Nominated! Niagara Rec Sports
Nominate Nominated! Promoted Business Sample
Nominate Nominated! Spotlight Comedy Club
Nominate Nominated! The Fun Zone
Nominate Nominated! The Welland Recreation Centre and The Music Groups Melodiers and The Jammers
Nominate Nominated! Thorold Community Activities Group
Showing of entries.
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