Nominate Nominated! | Bank Art House, Welland |
Nominate Nominated! | Blackwire Band |
Nominate Nominated! | Blues Etc. Band |
Nominate Nominated! | Breaking Still NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | CWF Wrestling |
Nominate Nominated! | Caitlin Miller |
Nominate Nominated! | Comedy in The Crawlspace |
Nominate Nominated! | Crooked Control NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | Drag It To Brunch With Macy Manolo & Claudia Silva |
Nominate Nominated! | Garden City Comedy Festival |
Nominate Nominated! | Gravely NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | Greg Frewin Theatre |
Nominate Nominated! | Jake Shar |
Nominate Nominated! | Jammr |
Nominate Nominated! | Jay Diem Band |
Nominate Nominated! | Jesse Bieber NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | Maple Jam Band NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | Merrittville Speedway |
Nominate Nominated! | Neo Pro Wrestling NEW! |
Nominate Nominated! | Not Going Quietly Band |
Nominate Nominated! | Nwx Wrestling |
Nominate Nominated! | Off Topic With Brandy Ford (Podcast) |
Nominate Nominated! | Port Colborne Operatic Society |
Nominate Nominated! | Promoted Business Sample |
Nominate Nominated! | Regency Athletic Resort |
Nominate Nominated! | Rick Legacy |
Nominate Nominated! | Rock of 80's Band |
Nominate Nominated! | S&B Events |
Nominate Nominated! | Scott & Terry Duo |
Nominate Nominated! | Slap Entertainment & Productions |
Nominate Nominated! | Soul Street Band |
Nominate Nominated! | Strong Water Singers |
Nominate Nominated! | The Hard Rock Hooligans |
Nominate Nominated! | The Regency |
Nominate Nominated! | Thunderclap! (Band) |
Nominate Nominated! | Yuk Yuk's |